“Moose Members Serving Then . . . and NOW!”
Supporting veterans is something that has always been important to the Moose. Our “Valued Veterans” program is to give recognition and support of Moose veterans with an emphasis on their ongoing service to their fraternal units and communities through the Moose. The program’s tag phrase captures this well: “Moose Members Serving Then . . . and NOW!” This approach simultaneously honors our veterans while also highlighting the Fraternity’s commitment to community service.
The Valued Veterans program was previewed at the 2016 Moose Convention in St. Louis. The main focus of the Moose is our fraternal programs, including Mooseheart, Moosehaven and Heart of the Community activities; and though we don’t have the expertise or resources to be a full-fledged veteran’s services organization, we know we can still provide recognition and support to our veteran members who have made a positive impact on society through their service and through our Fraternity.
Admittedly, this program may not be all things to all veterans, but we will strive to serve our veterans to the very best of our ability. Our members’ strong sentiments only confirm that they are passionate about this cause, and do want to see the program succeed – and therefore, we are confident that it will.
More information and details of the Moose Valued Veterans program can be found on the Moose International website.
Good Afternoon,
I am reaching out to you to request your assistance. As you may be aware, the OSMA Valued Veterans are hosting our very first Hospitality room at convention. During this event, we will be fundraising for future projects Ohio VV, Honor Flight, and other initiatives in progress. As you know we had a very successful turn out with Moosehaven Veterans and Operation Veteran Caregiver Support. We would appreciate your support to make this a success again. Here are some items we are looking for:
Juice - Orange, Pineapple, Cranberry (1 case of each type)
Soda - Coke (3 cases), Diet Coke (2 case) Pepsi (3 cases), Diet Pepsi (2 case), Sprite (1 case), Sprite Zero (1 case), Ginger Ale (1 case)
Red Bull - regular and sugar free (1 case each)
Zing Zang bloody mary mix - regular (4 bottles) and spicy (2 bottles)
Sponsor a Lunch or Dinner (we have estimated costs if needed)
We could also use donations for door prizes.
If your Lodge, Chapter, Valued Veteran Group, Moose Legion, Moose Riders, or anyone else would like to help, here is who to contact for each part.
Thank you and God Bless.
Greg Muter
OSMA VV Chairman
Moose International Heart of the Community Chairman
Monetary Donation
Please Contact:
John Overs - 937-935-3743
Prizes Donations, Meals, and Mixers
Please Contact:
Jim Brown- 740-649-2639
Greg Muter- OSMA VV Chairman
Chris Dean- OSMA VV Vice Chairman
Bob Hayes- OSMA VV Secretary
John Overs- OSMA VV Treasurer
Jim Brown- OSMA VV Sgt at Arms